- About Smelne
- Brochure request
- Contact
- Dutch TV program films at Smelne Yachtcenter
- Expeditie Britse Eilanden 2006
- Expedition Canada 2009/2010
- Expedition Ice 2008
- Expedition Lapland 2007
- Expedition wilderness of Karelia-Saimaa 2012
- General member meeting 2014
- Harald Paul
- History
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- Large range in our showrooms!
- New motor yachts
- Oostvaarder 1100 OC scores a 9!
- Privacy Statement
- Sitemap
- Smelne Club
- Smelne Marina
- Smelne Vlet 42 OC luxury
- Smelne Vlet 42 OK
- Sold yachts
- Spring tour 2013
- Springtour Drachten-Bremen
- Visit Smelne Club to Boot Düsseldorf
- WasserSport in Nederland no. 44
- Yacht brokerage
- Services
- Abim 108 XL